Best robots to help homeowners with their daily household chores

In the past few years, robotic technology has developed immensely. Robots are no longer confined to only experimental fields; in fact, you will find many types of robots in the commercial market these days, which are practical and can help us with our daily activities. So, here is a list of some special robots which can help you with your daily household chores in the best way possible:


  • The Tutor – e- NUVO Robot

e-NUVO is a 4-feet tall robot which is designed to help students in elementary schools and junior high schools to learn in a more interesting and effective way. This robotic teaching aid is in fact the result of the teamwork of the Nippon Institute of Technology, Harada Vehicle Design, ZNUG Design and ZMG. Cameras and gyro sensors can control the robotic innovation. It can interact with humans easily, have a conversation and you can use either a remote or a computer to control this little teaching aid.

  • Coffee making Manga Robot

This Manga Robot can really make your life easy by serving you coffee whenever you want. This humanoid mini robot runs on a 20 digital KRS servos and comes equipped with a motor. It has the capacity to grind coffee beans and make your coffee with hot water all by itself. Although it looks mean, but Manga Robot can serve you a hot cup of coffee when you desperately need it.


  • Motoman Robobar

Motoman Robobar can serve you beer, cocktails, wine, soft drinks and juices in a bar or in a house party. Hiring Motoman Robobar for your business can save you a lot of money as it is fast, it doesn’t make any mistakes, it doesn’t spill drinks due to over pouring, it can work 24×7, it doesn’t need any break and it will always bring you total customer satisfaction.


  • The Dyson Robotic Vacuum Cleaner DC06

The Dyson Robotic Vacuum cleaner is installed with 70 sensors and three on board computers. It doesn’t need any external input to clean up your house as it has the capacity to memorize the entire layout of your house and with the help of its sensors, this robotic vacuum cleaner can vacuum every area of your house with incredible accuracy. It also has an incredible capacity of making 10 decisions per second. Moreover, it flaunts a high-speed charger, which allows the robot to charge its own batteries without seeking external power source every time it runs out of charge. So, the Dyson Robotic vacuum cleaner is a vacuum cleaner, which is installed with a mechanical brain.

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