Strange and bizarre phobias that trouble people

We all fear something or the other but when the fear exceeds the normal limit, it becomes phobia, which can be very disturbing. Phobia is a serious issue for the one who suffers from it but sometimes it becomes an object of mockery for the other people. It is the funny and the not-so-serious nature of the objects that cause phobic attacks in people. Scroll through to find out such strange and funny phobias people suffer from worldwide:



Humans are social animals and cell phones have contributed a lot in this, as they helps people to contact each other and feel happy. Since their inception, cell phones have made almost everybody an addict and today if we analyze the situation, almost everybody using cell phones would agree that now living without mobiles is a tough task for them. So far so good but there are some people who suffer from Nomophobia, which is an intense fear of being without mobile phone coverage, the battery drain, or even losing the sight of a cell phone. Imagine yourself coming across a man who is crying inconsolably just because his cell’s battery drained out, that’s Nomophobia for you.



It is the fear of the belly button, the navel. Such people avoid touching or having contact with the navel, often going the extra mile so any conversation not be dedicated to the navel, and no physical contact is made. Even the mere thought of the belly button or its sight makes them so nervous and anxious that other people often find to be funny.



Any man does not like an erection at an inappropriate moment but some men experience an abnormal fear and distress regarding erection, which disturbs their sex and love life. The fear of erect penis in some people is so strong that they almost every time fear it and owing to this phobia they prefer to stay away from their loved ones, and such people also avoid events like meetings or stage performances where they fear insult resulting to erection.



Bathing is an essential personal cleanliness measure but some people refrain from bathing because they fear it, and this fear is known as Ablutophobia. In their mind they feel that bathing is not essential and it is not good, in fact it is scary.


Peanut butter

This one is too funny, the fear of having peanut butter sticking on one’s palate. The sensation surely is annoying but having a phobia regarding that sensation is strange but it is real.

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