If you love making normal pictures funny, or to add an extra dash of comical factor to a photograph, then this article is going to be something of use for you. Check out the following list that contains some of the most hilarious photo apps you could ever get the hang of:
The Ace FreakyFace
With this app, you can overlay funny and weird eyes, lips, or ears over the normal faces. Just choose the funny nose, eye, or ear, tap on it, and it will change your normal looking face into something that is too hilarious. If you think, the already available funny options in the app are not enough, then go ahead and update the options for some more fun experiences.
Photo Warp
There are these museums installed with mirrors, you stand in front of them and you can die off laughing. The mirrors have a design that makes your reflection warped that is hilarious. The same effect now you can get with the cool app that warps the normal pictures into funny pictures. The app allows you to distort, bend, and warp the photograph pixels, resulting in funniest pictures ever.
The Oldbooth
As the name suggests, this allows you to play with 170 funny photo templates that edit your photo and give you a look that belongs to the old 20s. Choose the old style that perfectly fits your look in the photograph, and as soon you are done editing, post them, share with your friends, and make them happy too.
The Baldy App
It is always fun to try different hairstyles but some require a great deal of audacity to try. One thing that tops the list of such hairstyle is the baldhead, a very few dare to go bald while for others it is a laughing stock. An app can make laugh for hours, the baldy app that makes you bald so perfectly. Upload your photograph, keep clicking on your hair until all are gone, and then keep laughing looking at yourself as a baldy.
The Image Faker
Loaded with many features, this fun app allows you to fit your face over any body. Choose your picture and the feature you like, set your face into the frame, and you would not be able to help laughing. The app allows you to create your own funny features using your own creativity and wit.