Like-a-Hug jacket lets you feel the warmth of your virtual friends

You may have thousands of friends on social networking sites, but you cannot feel the warmth of true friendship from your virtual friends. In an attempt to bring your distant friends closer to you, MIT student Melissa Chow has come up with an innovative jacket that lets you feel the love and warmth as soon as any of your friends hit the “Like” button on your Facebook page. Hailed as “Like-a-Hug,” the trendy jacket literally lets the user “feel the warmth, encouragement, support or love that we feel when we receive hugs” from loved ones.

Designed to work with a Smartphone, the Facebook jacket includes air pockets that inflate, as soon as your mobile phone sends a new Facebook “like” alert, to receive hugs through wireless technology. Users can not only receive hugs, but they can send hugs back to their friends as well.  To send back the hug, all they need to do is deflate the jacket by squeezing it.

Via: Odditycentral

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